Tuesday, January 25, 2011

~ Nature Notes - Whooping Cranes ~

Whooping Crane
(Grus Americana)
Code 4: WHCR Code 6: GRUAME

Description: The tallest of all North American birds, the Whooping Crane stands at approximately 52”. Almost completely white, the Whooping Crane has a red and black crown and forehead, has black tips on the undersides of the wings, and black legs.

Eye: Dark olive in juvenile to yellow-white in adult.
Forehead: Red & Black.
Crown: Red & Black.
Nape: White.
Throat: Throat.
Upper Tail: White with black primary flight feathers.
Under Tail: White with black primary flight feathers.
Leg: Black.

Voice: Like that of a bugling or trumpeting sound and can be heard for several miles.

Mating & Courtship: Monogamous - Mates for life.

Nesting: Materials - Reeds, grasses and sod.
Number of Eggs - 1 - 3
Egg Description - Creamy olive color with brown markings.
Incubation - 29 - 35 Days
Incubated By - Both parents.

Feeding: Feeds mainly on insects, berries, snails and small fish.

Habitat: Freshwater marshes, swamps, ponds, flowages and cranberry bogs.

Range: From Northern Wisconsin in the Spring & Summer, to Florida in late Autumn & Winter.

Migration Habits: Migratory.

Conservation Status & Life Story: Endangered. However, the population is increasing.

Interesting Facts: Whooping Cranes are the tallest birds in North America. Males stand up to 5’ tall with a wingspan of up to 7.5’.

Related Species: Sandhill Crane - Common Crane - Great Blue Heron

~ Mara

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

~ A Few Projects ~

Lately I have been working on hats, purses and necklaces. I enjoy making them and hope to have a shop on Etsy in the near future. Here is a sneak peek . . .

I really enjoy using the Knifty Knitter looms to make hats. Here is one of the first I made . . .

A set of infant hats made with the smallest of the Knifty Knitter looms...

Here is one of my necklaces. This one reminds me of the Victorian Era. The colors are so soft . . .

Also . . .

The Cranberry Crane now has a Facebook page!

~ Mara